Don't worry, Huckle Cat, this isn't another I poop you poop entry... but still pretty entertaining.
So, I was having dinner with my friend V at this Mexican restaurant in Central. Tacoloco was the ultra creative name. Food was pretty good - I had a Chili Verde Chicken buritto. The fresh lime juice was good until the last two sips - too much sugar left in the bottom.
Anyway, the key is the bathroom. V was answering a phone call, so I took the opportunity to use the bathroom. Typical small toilet door in Hong Kong. But this one was different. It didn't open all the way, cus the washing basin was in its way. Me being larger than most Hong Kong men, I had to slip into the bathroom sideways. Then the difficulty begins... I need to turn the other way sidways so I can close the door behind me. And so I did. The next thing I can't even put in words... but I will:
I fit myself into the... um... corner. There was no space really. My shoulders barely squeezed by the walls on both sides, I hit the washing basin on my back. By tilting a bit, I avoided the walls on both sides and was able to take good aim. Getting out of the bathroom was everything in reverse... turning the other way to slip through the door. What an experience.
TMI? I think not.
You're not some enormous freak of nature-- how small are these people?!
Maybe little Lam has grown up...
Ok, this one was DEFINITELY more TMI than the last one. Anytime you discuss "aim", definitely time to rethink the entry :-P
Okay, so if the bathrooms in HK for the MEN are that small, I've pretty much ruled out any future visits. I would get decapitated trying to enter the one for women.
Rethinking AIM.
Lv, most bathrooms are quite clean and agreeable. Else it wouldn't have inspired a whole blog... LOL.
i wonder the peanut-shaped-pits-on-the floor-type toilets still exist. i remember those at shatin/fanling KCR stations were of this type, at least back in the days during baishan trips...
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