


Man, it's so difficult to re-engage with school and recruiting after such hectic schedules all ended. With only one mid term and one interview, the week looked pretty good from Sunday. And yet here I am, on Thursday, wondering what the hell I did with the ~120 hours since Sunday. Let's count:

Sleeping: 35 hours, including Saturday night after 12am
Driving: 3 hours
Eating: 5 hours
Emailing: 5 hours (!?)
Lounge/Winter Garden: 10 hours
Corp Fin mid term: 1.5 hours (I skipped the second half due to trama)
Corp Fin studying: 6 hours in front of material, 1 hour actual studying
Negotiations: 3 hours of class + 1 hour of reading and case preparation
Org Change: 3 hours of class + 2 hours of reading and case preparation
Help OH interview: 2 hours
Post conference networking: 3 hours
Bank week planning: 2.5 hours
Consulting week planning: 2 hours
CAP co-chair meeting: 2 hours
Making feedback forms: 2 hours
Call with manager: 1 hour
Korean Club: 2 hours

Man, this is a great exercise. Okay, I'm up to 91 hours. What the hell happened to the 29 hours that I can't allocate to!?

1 comment:

Eric Poupier said...

Maybe you watched an awful lot of TV, or you went re-reading all the great posts on other people's blogs? Or you have 'absences'...