

Cozumel in 5 days

More details and pictures here... though the time stamp approach is fun too!

3/18 5pm - departure
3/18 9pm - arrive in resort: this is why we chose Cozumel, nice and close!
3/18 930 - you can't beat buffet dinner
3/18 10 - it's impossible to beat free booze all night
3/19 10am - buffet breakfast... along with free booze
3/19 12pm - sail
3/19 130 - lunch buffet... along with free booze
3/19 3pm - beach, read, drink, sunbath
3/19 5pm - beach bar closes
3/19 501 - move to pool bar
3/19 6pm - after three Pinas and a tequila shot, pool bar closes
3/19 830 - wake up from "nap" and go to steak dinner
3/19 10pm - drink at reception bar
3/19 1130 - off to Senor Frogs, a club in downtown Cozumel
3/20 2am - back at the resort, somehow made it back to the room
3/20 8am - scuba diving class... with hangover
3/20 1pm - scuba diving in Cozumel reefs
3/20 5pm - beach
3/20 7pm - dinner buffet!
3/20 9pm - let the drinking begin
3/21 10am - beach
3/21 12pm - attempt to windsurf
3/21 1215 - admit defeat, try to swim back to shore
3/21 2pm - finally got back, damn it
3/21 330 - Sail
3/21 4pm - Beach
3/21 7pm - nap
3/21 830 - dinner at steakhouse
3/21 945 - Black Russian
3/21 10pm - 1st tequila shot
3/21 1001 - 3rd tequila shot
3/21 1030 - 4th tequila shot
3/22 800 - buffet breakfast, with lots of grapefruit to sober up
3/22 930 - depart for airport
3/22 7pm - back safely at home

1 comment:

Le Voyageur said...

Paris was the blonde, Nikki the brunette. But I suppose after that much alcohol, who cares?

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four! If I didn't have Friday morning class, I'd make it a weekly tradition at TNDC. We'll have to find another night.