

Did I graduate?

Oh, not yet? I'm practically checked out of school...

My summer plans are shaping up: 2 weeks and Peru, 2 months in Europe, and 2 years in debt.

Damn you, Ben and Jerry, for price discriminating during these warmer months. Why can't you offer a $10 for 4 deal every two weeks? Why does it have to be $10 for 3 every 2 months now? You forced me to stockpile 9 pints at home. You did this to me...!

While watching ESPN, PNGF suddenly asked "who's that?" Surprising, since she doesn't follow any sport at all. "Brett Farve," I replied. "Oh, he was in Something about Mary!" Good job, Brett, that will be your legacy. You were in Something about Mary. So stop whining and play some ball.

In my mail box at school, I find a nice box with the following label on top: Dear Josekin, Student volunteers play a prominent... thank you... Career Services. And then another box: Dear Eric, Student volunteers play a prominent... thank you... Career Service. So there you have it. The first time when my confusing name got me two prizes! I just hope bursar doesn't catch on.

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