

Nostalgic in Boston

Arrived in Boston Sunday afternoon. Since touchdown, it's been pretty nostalgic... starting with me remembering how much I hated the "T".

Sunday night was dinner at Shanghai Gate... I MISS YELLOW FOOD!

Monday morning, I was reminded again how much I hate the "T"... the crowd on the "T" wasn't crazy or anything, but there were certain points that I was looking for an escape route.

I spent some time back at Analysis Group. Actually, I spent the whole afternoon there. Lunch was, predictably, at the food court. I continued to boycott (Melman will be proud) the Indian place for their complicated pricing. I settled on rotisserie chicken. The lunchroom had the World Cup games on. Sweet.

I made my rounds at AG, talking to most people rather than just a simple hi. I didn't realize how much I missed people at AG. Just a wonderful bunch to be around at any time. We talked about my year at Chicago (AG just opened an office there), my summer plans, how the company is doing, how some analysts are heading to different MBA schools, how some are preparing for GMATs... very nostalgic. I left at 7pm!

Dinner at OSushi... not even close to Oiishi... but... I MISS YELLOW FOOD!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Gourmet India, how could I forget you...

Josekin said...

THAT'S IT! Gourmet India! Boycott.