

From Consultant to (Interim) CEO

Wow, I haven't blogged in months!

This period of no-blogging is, coincidentally, the same period I was appointed interim / acting / temporary CEO of an Internet portal company. For 10 months, I managed the a website that, for all intended purposes, is basically Yahoo in an Asian country. Monster but declining traffic; leader in banner ad sales but being slowly eaten away by Google and Facebook; a portal that is what it is: a portal.

When consultants cease working for a consulting firm, the biggest difference is just the traveling. The mindset is ingrained into our thought process and working style. We want to identify stakeholders, scope the project, lay out an action plan, develop a fact base, draw a story line, sketch blanks, and do all these consultant-lingo things that really can be summarized into three (+1) words: solve the problem (efficiently).

Being a(n) (Interim) CEO was exactly that... with a nasty not-so-little twist: you have to convince your team to follow.

I will resume blogging soon, and this post will hopefully kick start the writing! Public commitment, even though this blog isn't THAT public, is the best motivation.

1st topic: why are you here...?

1 comment:

shmoo said...

Wow! That's great. Though it sounds stressful.