

Slap me please

While I'm on corporate bashing... I'm currently waiting for a standby seat to New York City for United. The seat is basically free... a buddy pass from a friend at United puts me at the bottom of the United customer ladder. Even those who used miles have a higher status on standby.

I lined up at Premier to start with, and was told that I should line up at Economy because I'm using a buddy pass.

So just let me make this clear... I've been a loyal customer to United for more than 10 years and it doesn't count anymore just because I'm using a free ticket. Thanks for the slap in the face, UA.

(Then again, I am flying business and first to NY... I love you, United, I love you).


Gabriel said...

1. Do you mena you got on Business class using the buddy pass?

2. 100% agree that buddy pass should not get any recognition....

3. no wonder UA is losing money....

Justin said...

Its unfortunate that United's Business class isn't much to write home about.